First of all to make deviled eggs, you have to boil and peel eggs. There is nothing more frustrating then trying to peel boiled eggs and have half of the egg whites come off with the peel. Through my forty plus years of cooking I have tried everything at least once and a lot of things twice before I found things that worked for me.
When I boil eggs, I place them in a pot and add enough water to come even with the top of the eggs. I add 2 Tbs white vinegar and 1 Tsp salt to the water. (The salt and vinegar do not penetrate the shell so they do not change the flavor of the egg.) This does two things. It makes the eggs so much easier to peel and it keeps your pot from getting a scale buildup.
I place the pot on the stove on medium heat. Once the water starts to boil I time it for seven minutes then I turn the heat off and remove the pot. I drain the water from the pot and as soon as I can handle the hot eggs I peel them. I do not run them under cold water. I peel them hot. Even if I am going to put them in the refrigerator for future use, I peel them while they are hot.