Sweet Cabin Life



There is nothing that evokes American pride within us quite like seeing our national bird in the wild. I have been lucky enough to have seen seven American Eagles at the creek behind our cabin and every time I have been left in “AHHH”.  The majestic confidence in which they conduct themselves makes it absolutely impossible to look away. Each time I stood transfixed and held my breath as I silently pled with them to not fly away. 

“Please, just let me look at you a few moments longer.” I silently begged.

It always astounded me how big the eagles were. They have massive wing spans and long snarly talons. Their beaks are thick and hooked and made to tear flesh from bone. They have mean beady eyes and leave no doubt that they are, in-fact, a true bird of prey. They are incredibly swift of speed and can dive from far up in the clouds to the ground below in mere milliseconds when in pursuit of dinner.

Each sighting, I heard them before I actually spotted them. A loud whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound would come from the creek and I would see an eagle flying just above the water, wings rhythmically flapping, talons skimming the water as they glided along the curve of the creek.

Most times they continue with the flow of the water and quickly disappear around the curve but once in a great while, they will lift their head toward the heavens and rise their bodies up into the tree tops and take perch on a limb to survey the ground below. Today was one such day. I was able to snap these pictures before once again, I heard the whoosh of wings and the eagle rose up from the trees and glided slowly, almost lazily out of sight leaving me looking in the direction …as the eagle flies.

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