Freddie loves – loves – LOVES to play ball. Since he became a part of our family, our bulldog, Shonie has been his best buddy and playmate. Recently though, Shonie was diagnosed with bone cancer in her left shoulder. It has left her unable to put any weight on that leg and she drags it as she hobbles along on her other three legs. For a bulldog with so much of their body weight in their chest, it has been very difficult for Shonie to get around. Playing ball is completely impossible. We know it is just a short time away that we will be taking our baby girl on her last ride. Just the thought of that day shatters my heart and makes me worry how Freddie will survive the passing of his best friend.
Freddie doesn’t understand the transformation in Shonie. He can’t understand that she still wants to play ball and be his partner in crime but that she physically no longer can. Shonie sleeps most of the time now and Freddie is always close by watching over her. He lays on the arm of the chair near her side with his ball in his mouth ready to play should she decide she is up for it.
The love and concern my two dogs have for each other is truly amazing.
Everyone should be blessed with such a friend.