Sweet Cabin Life


This little guy was one of the fawns born last spring here at the cabin. He is still with his mother but won’t be for much longer. She is due to drop a new fawn any day now and once she does she will break all ties and this little buck will be on his own.  He will still be allowed to hang with the group but she will shun him from the place at her side where he has spent the last year.

It is very unusual that a buck, no matter the age, will allow himself to be seen in the daylight out in the open like this. He has a four point rack that still has it’s velvet felt on it. He will rub these antlers along tree bark to remove it and to polish them. 

He comes with his mother to visit and eat the sweet deer corn we put out every night. We average five to eight deer a night. We sit on the porch swing and watch as they come within six feet of us to enjoy their sweet treat. It is incredible how loud they are when they eat. You can clearly hear their teeth grinding as they move their mouth from side to side as they chew.

We have three does that are pregnant right now. Two are going to be first time mothers so they will surely only have one fawn each. The other had twins last year so she will be on course to have twins again or maybe even triplets.  How exciting!

I can’t wait to see the new babies and watch the proud mommas strut as they bring them down to show them off.  I’ll post pictures of the new fawns once they arrive so be sure to check back in a few days to meet them.

Until then – take care and choose to be happy!



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